Late payments are an inevitable challenge site owners. At, we specialize in custom PaidMembershipPro (PMPro) development to automate financial workflows.
In this guide, you’ll learn to implement late fees, customize notifications, and handle complex billing scenarios while maintaining compliance.
Why This Matters
- Recover lost revenue from overdue payments
- Automate reminders to reduce administrative work
- Maintain professional billing practices

Core Late Fee Implementation
Automating Late Fee Detection with Cron Jobs
Use WordPress cron jobs to scan for overdue payments daily.
Code Example:
// Schedule daily check
add_action('pmpro_late_fee_cron', 'ets_pmpro_detect_late_payments');
if (!wp_next_scheduled('pmpro_late_fee_cron')) {
wp_schedule_event(time(), 'daily', 'pmpro_late_fee_cron');
function ets_pmpro_detect_late_payments() {
global $wpdb;
// Query users with active subscriptions
$users = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT user_id, membership_id, cycle_period, cycle_number FROM {$wpdb->pmpro_memberships_users} WHERE status = 'active' AND cycle_number > 0 ");
foreach ($users as $user) {
$last_payment_date = get_user_meta(user->user_id, 'pmpro_last_payment_date', true);
$grace_period = get_option('ets_pmpro_grace_period', 5); // Days
$next_due_date = strtotime("+{$user->cycle_number} {$user->cycle_period}", last_payment_date);
$is_overdue = (current_time('timestamp') > $next_due_date + (grace_period * DAY_IN_SECONDS));
if ($is_overdue && !get_user_meta(user->user_id, 'pmpro_late_fee_applied', true)) {
late_fee = get_option('ets_pmpro_late_fee', 25);
update_user_meta(user->user_id, 'pmpro_late_fee', late_fee);
update_user_meta($user->user_id, 'pmpro_late_fee_applied', time());
Key Features:
- Grace period customization via WordPress settings
- One-time fee per billing cycle

Advanced Customizations
Adjustable Late Fees via Admin Dashboard
Create a settings page for dynamic fee adjustments.
Code Example (Admin UI):
//Add settings menu
add_action('admin_menu', 'ets_pmpro_late_fee_menu');
function ets_pmpro_late_fee_menu() {
add_submenu_page('pmpro-membershiplevels','Late Fee Settings','Late Fees','manage_options','ets-pmpro-late-fees','ets_pmpro_late_fee_settings_page');
// Render settings page
function ets_pmpro_late_fee_settings_page() { ?>
<div class="wrap"><h2>Late Fee Configuration</h2>
<form method="post" action="options.php">
<?php settings_fields('ets_pmpro_late_fee_group'); ?>
<table class="form-table">
<th>Late Fee Amount ($)</th>
<td><input type="number" name="ets_pmpro_late_fee" value="<?php echo get_option('ets_pmpro_late_fee'); ?>" />
<tr><th>Grace Period (Days)</th><td>
<input type="number" name="ets_pmpro_grace_period" value="<?php echo get_option('ets_pmpro_grace_period'); ?>" /></td></tr></table>
<?php submit_button(); ?>
<?php }
// Register settings
add_action('admin_init', 'ets_pmpro_late_fee_register_settings');
function ets_pmpro_late_fee_register_settings() {
register_setting('ets_pmpro_late_fee_group', 'ets_pmpro_late_fee');
register_setting('ets_pmpro_late_fee_group', 'ets_pmpro_grace_period');
Use Case:
- Seasonal fee adjustments (e.g., holidays)
- Tiered fees based on s

Email Notifications with Dynamic Templates
Send automated alerts when fees are applied.
Code Example (Custom Email):
add_action('ets_pmpro_late_fee_applied', 'ets_pmpro_send_late_fee_email');
function ets_pmpro_send_late_fee_email($user_id) {
$user = get_userdata(user_id);
$late_fee = get_option('ets_pmpro_late_fee');
$subject = "Late Fee Applied to Your Account";
$message = "Hi {$user->display_name}, A late fee of \{late_fee} has been added to your account. Pay Now: " . pmpro_url('checkout') . " "; wp_mail(user->user_email, $subject, message);
// Trigger in cron function: //
if ($is_overdue) { do_action('ets_pmpro_late_fee_applied', user->user_id); }
Pro Tip:
Use wp_mail filters to style emails with HTML templates.

Updating Order Receipts & Compliance
Appending Late Fees to PMPro Invoices
Modify order receipts to display fees transparently.
Code Example:
add_filter('pmpro_order_summary', 'ets_pmpro_add_late_fee_to_receipt');
function ets_pmpro_add_late_fee_to_receipt($order) {
$late_fee = get_user_meta(order->user_id, 'pmpro_late_fee', true);
if ($late_fee) {
$order->subtotal += late_fee;
$order->notes .= "\nLate Fee: $" . late_fee;
return $order;
Compliance Tips:
- Disclose fees in Terms of Service
- Include fee breakdown in receipts
Handling Edge Cases
Partial Payments & Retry Logic
Integrate with Stripe/PayPal to retry failed payments before applying fees.
Code Snippet (Stripe Retry):
// Hook into Stripe payment failure
add_action('pmpro_subscription_payment_failed', 'ets_pmpro_retry_payment');
function ets_pmpro_retry_payment($order) {
// Retry after 3 days
wp_schedule_single_event(time() + 3 * DAY_IN_SECONDS, 'ets_pmpro_retry_payment', [$order->user_id]);
Automating late fees on your WordPress membership site with PaidMembershipPro ensures consistent cash flow while reducing manual work. At, we’ve helped 150+ businesses implement custom PMPro solutions tailored to their billing workflows.
Ready to Automate Your Membership Site?