
Pro version: Steps to connecting MemberPress and Discord Pro Server

Installing the plugin

The PRO version needs the FREE addon to be installed first, so if you are buying after setting up  and using the FREE version of the plugin then you can skip to the PRO Setup Steps

If you haven’t installed and set the FREE version first so please Download: Click Here

Click to Buy Now Pro Version


  • Install the plugin from page or through the WordPress plugins repository.
  • After installing the plugin, activate and navigate to MemberPress -> Discord Settings.

Create a new application inside


Copy the Application details

  • See “OAuth2” page link in the left hand side of the screen.
  • From OAuth2 screen copy the Client ID and Client Secret.
  • Enter redirect URL that is already displaying inside plugin settings.
  • Enter the Bot Auth Redirect URL, available inside plugin settings.

Create Bot and Copy Bot Token

  • In the left hand side screen see the “Bot” page link.
  • Click the “Add Bot” button this will generate the bot token.
  • Make sure “PUBLIC BOT” in unchecked. if yo do not want your bot to be publicly available.

Enable Developer mode to get the Server ID

  • Open
  • Click on the “User Settings” gear in the bottom left of the screen.
  • Now find “Advanced” settings and click, 
  • You need To enable the “Developer Mode” and exit the screen
  • Now click on the server icon in the left hand side of screen and do CopyID
Click on the "User Settings" gear in the bottom left of the screen.
Now find "Advanced" settings and click, You need To enable the "Developer Mode"
Now click on the server icon in the left hand side of screen and copy the server ID

Connect your BOT to the server

  • Once all the details are correctly filled and saved inside Plugin application detail screen.
  • A red button name “Connect Your Bot” will appear.
  • Clicking on it will take to the, make sure the Server Name in the field at discord auth screen has the right name of the server.
  • You need to authorise the bot, After successful auth you will get redirect again on the plugin settings screen.
Once all the details are correctly filled and saved inside the Plugin application detail screen. A red button name "Connect Your Bot" will appear.
Clicking on it will take you to
Authorise your Bot

Map Discord Role with Membership levels

Once your bot is connected to your server, you will be able to view all roles your server has. You can now map server role and s.

Assign Discord Role to memberships

Solution of Missing Access Error

  • Inside the log tab you will see “50001:Missing Access”, which is happening because the new BOT role need to the TOP priority among the other roles.
    • The new created BOT will add a ROLE with the same name as it is given to the BOT itself.
  • So, Go inside the “Server Settings” from the TOP left menu.
  • Go inside the “Roles” and Drag and Drop the new BOT over to the TOP all other roles.
  • Do not for forget to save the roles settings
Solution of missing access error

How members will connect to admin discord server?

  • Members are able to “Connect To Discord” from their profile page.
  • Clicking on the button will take the Member to Authorize screen.
Members are able to "Connect To Discord" from ther profile page.

Installing the MemberPress Discord Pro Version and Activate License

After purchasing the MemberPress Discord Pro Version

  • Install the plugin via the admin zip install process and activate it.
  • The Inside admin menu MemberPress, find the menu link “Discord Pro Settings”